WordPress Theme – Binary_Nights


Over the past couple of months, I’ve been learning how to not be a perfectionist; and how to enjoy the process of just doing things, experimenting, and not stressing to finish things quickly.

One thing I’ve been wanting to do for a while now is come up with a new look for my minimalistic website at alchemist.digital, which serves as my personal portfolio and blog.

A bit ago I managed to acquire binary.run. I think it has a catchier ring to it than alchemist.digital, and I decided to move my personal websites over to it.

The name alone gives me really big 80s nostalgia vibes, and since I do all of my code editing in Visual Studio Code with the Synthwave 84′ theme, I decided why not make that the ultimate theme of my website?

VSCode Synthwave 84 Theme


Binary_Nights is the name I came up with to describe my Synthwave / Vaporwave inspired custom WordPress theme.

Drawing inspiration from 80s nostalgia and retrofuturism, this theme will be as rad as a DeLorean DMC-12 racing against a Kawasaki GPz900R while being chased by a Dodge M4S. It will fulfill all the needs of fingerless glove wearing, sleeveless jacket sporting, terminal time hacking, mullet possessing, mustachioed individuals everywhere.

Hacking Time - Kung Fury
Credits “Kung Fury” (2015) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5P_LAqiVg


All work for this theme can be found at my GitLab:

Base Theme

Rather than build the entire theme up from scratch like I did with my Alchemist theme for alchemist.digital, I’m using the GPLv3 licensed Esotera theme from Cryout Creations, Srl as a base.